Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Animal Furniture

This website shows some imagery of old fashioned furniture made from animals. Very untasteful and cruel.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists

MART is a society of rogue taxidermists. They enjoy creating new animals from bits of others. The site has a light-hearted feel. I found an interview with 2 rogue taxidermists on the site. It can be found at One of the taxidermists uses teh expression "when you leave even one grain of rice on your plate, god will destroy your eyes!". This might say a lot about this type of person.

Beast Blender

This site allows you to drag and drop animal parts onto each other to create a new one. I feel that its an interesting idea but too simplistic. Not enough choice in body parts and the difficulty in positioning them makes the game lack depth.

This site has used Photoshop rather than Taxidermy to create rogue creations. It has some very interesting animals such as this cat-owl.

What can be done with taxidermy

Taxidermy can be displayed as 'art' in many ways. Here are some that I've found.

Definition Definition:

tax·i·der·my (tāk'sĭ-dûr'mē) Pronunciation Key
n. The art or operation of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of dead animals for exhibition in a lifelike state.